About Us
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Hi! I’m Emlyn, the owner of “Mis Recuerdos” established in Puerto Rico, in 2013 as a Photo Booth Owner. When I decided to have a business as a photo booth owner, friends and family inspired me to choose “Mis Recuerdos” as my business name, which translated is -My Memories-. Every time I printed a photo, everyone was thrilled of having a personalized photo of their event and would repeatedly say what a better way to keep a great memory of your special event.
Lots of things have changed since September of 2013 and so has my business. I have added personalized items as part of our party and gift collection, because memories are one thing no one can take away, I decided to keep the name and keep giving you guys great “Recuerdos” to share or keep for yourself.
So, welcome to my page. Hope you enjoy what I have to offer, as much as I enjoy making them for you. If you have an idea and would like to have a personalized item, just send me a message and we can work on it.
Happy Memories!
Emlyn Avilés